Telefónica Tech enters partnership with Digital Xtra Fund

Telefónica Tech funding and project delivery support will provide young people aged 16 and under with opportunities to learn computer and digital skills, widening the provision of extracurricular digital activities across Scotland.

Digital Xtra Fund is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) that forms a key strand of a nationwide drive to develop the digital talent of all young people across Scotland. The Fund provides grant awards to support organisations that help young people develop computer and digital making skills through high-quality extracurricular activities.

Digital Xtra Fund was originally established in 2016 and funded through the Digital Scotland Business Excellence Partnership whose partners included Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council, Education Scotland, ScotlandIS, and industry representatives. In March 2017, Digital Xtra Fund was spun out as an independent charity to enable it to work more closely with industry and address the digital skills gap. In November, DXF awarded a total of £50,000 to 11 exciting and engaging initiatives across Scotland. Formula 1, 3D printed drones, lighthouses, and coding for social good were just some of the activities to receive support.

The Fund is now working with organisations, including Telefónica Tech, who also understand the importance of teaching young people to understand and create with technology to develop the 2018 grant awards programme. Public resources in many parts of Scotland are being stretched, so a collaborative effort within the private sector is key to engaging more young people in digital technologies.

Neil Logan, CEO, Telefónica Tech said “Digital skills are crucial to powering the Scottish Economy but unfortunately not enough of our young people are getting those skills.  Digital Xtra Fund is one way of helping get more children involved with, and excited by extracurricular, tech activity – from robotics to coding. Importantly, it targets the biggest STEM drop out group – those aged 12 to 16.  We are looking forward to being paired with an interesting project that will inspire Scotland’s next generation of Technologists.”

Kraig Brown, Partnerships & Development Manager, Digital Xtra Fund said “Telefónica Tech’s contribution will greatly help with the delivery of the 2018 Grant Awards cycle. The funding from Telefónica Tech will ensure more young people across Scotland have the opportunity to take part in high-quality coding and digital making activities. We will work closely with the Telefónica Tech team as part of their new CSR strategy to help inspire the next generation of coders and digital makers.”


Notes for Editors

About Digital Xtra Fund

Digital Xtra Fund is a charity that helps inspire young people to understand and create with technology, not just use it, by supporting fun, extracurricular computing activities across Scotland that teach high-level digital skills, as well as facilitating opportunities for young people to connect with industry.