Increasingly banking and insurance are about hyper customisation and evolving from traditional service models to the omni-channel, where the physical and digital worlds are integrated.

Competition is continually expanding, demands on organisations are increasing all the time, and customer experience is critical to success.

FSI Market Trends

AI-based systems increase productivity and enable decision making at a level far beyond what is achievable by a human being. Use of AI & analytics deliver better customer service and experience, reduce costs, and improve risk management, including fraud management, anti-money laundering, customer churn prevention, mortgage default & credit scoring.

Greater financial transparency from open and private data available to account holders open APIs. Enabling third party developers to build applications & services that give customers better options to choose which financial products they need. Data from multiple accounts, cards & banking products can be served via a single app.

Implementation of different user interfaces (UIs), chatbots & virtual assistants to support customer service, deliver high value/low impact FAQs, answer account inquiries and provide quotes and advice. Integrated platforms include messaging platforms, social media, SMS, website chat or similar tools.

A wide range of technologies enable hyper automation in the FSI sector including robotic process automation (RPA), natural language processing (NLP), drones, video-enabled AI solutions, etc. These deliver straight-through processing, simple automation (document processing, complex decisioning, autonomous underwriting) and ecosystem support.


Enhancing customers’ lives

Customer’s financial and insurance needs are a critical part of their everyday lives. The delivery of exceptional services, at the right time, in the right place and in the right way, will make people’s lives better and make organisations more successful.

Security and business continuity

Ensuring security and business continuity is critical for financial services and insurance organisations. Manage risk with the best security solutions and services and deliver continuity with the right platforms and processes in place. Stay one step ahead with predictive analytics and business intelligence to help in uncertain times.

Flexibility & agility

Optimised apps, platforms, processes and datafication enables agility and flexibility to meet ever-changing demands within the market, from your workforce, and your customers. Ensuring organisations stay compliant and deliver strong governance.

Innovation & long-term growth

Being able to innovate as a financial services or insurance organisation is key to surviving and thriving in the long-term. To retaining and growing your customer base and ensuring your competitive edge with the right mix of platforms, apps, skills, processes, and data intelligence.

Revolutionise your fraud management capabilities

How we can help