
Device Lifecycle Management Workshop

Device Lifecycle Management (DLM) is far more than a drop-and-run service. It also includes a robust service wrap, including ongoing maintenance and support. For example, firmware updates, refreshes and upgrades as well device security with secure wiping of devices before they head back into the resale market. DLM, takes away the complexity of monitoring and managing thousands of devices from often over-stretched internal IT teams.



Join us in our purpose-built Customer Experience Centre to see how to deploy and manage a variety of Surface devices and Microsoft 365 to deliver a great user experience with a security first approach.



We’ll walk you through a ‘New Starter‘ experience in a true-to-life environment using zero touch deployment with Autopilot.  You’ll experience the service through the eyes of your end user when they first log in to their device.



This is just one example of modern device management, which helps organisations to quickly adopt modern workplace technology to improve the employee experience and simplify the IT stack without hefty upfront investments.

Join us to learn more about

Get hands on and explore technologies and devices in a true-to-life experience in our Customer Experience Centre