The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) is the independent body that sets, administers and regulates the pay, pensions and expenses of around 650 elected Members of Parliament (MPs) and their staff. IPSA provides support and guidance to MPs to enable them to carry out their parliamentary duties, aiming to deliver high-quality, responsive support within a robust and user-friendly regulatory framework.

The Challenge

Addressing scalability, maintenance overheads and security vulnerabilities


IPSA encountered significant challenges that required the introduction of a new case management system. The incumbent on-premises solution fell short in effectiveness and adaptability, failing to meet the organisation’s evolving demands, particularly in handling complex interactions with MPs and their staff. Consideration of future general elections further emphasised the system’s shortcomings, as the process of transitioning outgoing MPs and welcoming newly elected ones proved time-consuming and error-prone. These obstacles underscored the urgency for IPSA to adopt a resilient and flexible system.


Mohammed Modan, Strategy and Change Manager at IPSA stated, “Our goal was to streamline operations, boost efficiency and reduce the likelihood of errors, ultimately ensuring enhanced support for MPs and a smoother operational flow.”

The Solution

Revolutionising case management


IPSA sought a new case management system by inviting suppliers to propose solutions that met its business needs. Telefónica Tech proposed Dynamics 365 as the best-suited solution for IPSA’s needs. And, although initially wary due to past experiences with an older version of Dynamics, IPSA recognised that the previous implementation may not have been optimal and that the new version could offer features that were not previously utilised. This system-agnostic approach, combined with Telefónica Tech’s recommendation, led to the selection of Dynamics 365 Customer Service to enhance functionality, improve efficiency and automate its processes.


Mohammed Modan said “As a Microsoft house, Telefónica Tech possess a deep understanding not only of Dynamics 365 but also of other components within the Microsoft ecosystem. This meant that if IPSA had future interests in utilising additional Microsoft solutions such as Power Automate, Telefónica Tech would already have the expertise to support us seamlessly.”


The project encompassed a comprehensive approach, starting with an extensive discovery phase aimed at gaining a deep understanding of IPSA’s specific requirements. Utilising agile methodologies, the development and implementation process proceeded through iterative sprints, allowing for flexibility and responsiveness to evolving needs. A key focus was delivering a tailored build that precisely addressed IPSA’s identified needs, ensuring that the system was optimised for their unique operational workflows.


Custom solutions were developed to address specific challenges, including a console application designed to preserve email records’ original timestamps during migration. Additionally, the implementation of election entities and a configurable task list system standardised processes for onboarding and offboarding MPs, further enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy.

The Key Results

Operational excellence and enhanced efficiency


“Telefónica Tech’s expertise and strategic approach ensured a seamless transition to the new system, maintaining data integrity and operational continuity.” – Mohammed Modan, Strategy and Change Manager, IPSA


The implementation of Dynamics 365 Customer Service has significantly improved IPSA’s ability to maintain high-quality interactions with its customers, particularly MPs and their staff. It has enhanced the internal record-keeping of these interactions and enabled the implementation of end-to-end processes where Dynamics 365 plays a critical role. This has transformed Dynamics 365 Customer Service from a mere system for recording interactions into a comprehensive tool for business process optimisation. IPSA has been able to exploit various features of Dynamics 365 within these processes, leading to more efficient and effective operations.


A key benefit of adopting Dynamics 365 is its flexibility and adaptability, which have allowed IPSA to continuously evolve within a dynamic environment. This is evident from the initial project implementation followed by a series of enhancement projects. As IPSA matures as an organisation or as external conditions change, it can easily adapt the system to meet new requirements.


The greatest effort was in the initial implementation, but once established, subsequent enhancements have allowed IPSA to better utilise the system, achieving more value without significant additional costs beyond the change projects. Ongoing enhancement projects have enabled IPSA to maximise the system’s potential, ensuring it remains a robust asset that grows with the organisation.


Some anticipated benefits of the latest project enhancements are contingent on the next general election. IPSA expects these enhancements to simplify the election-related processes, making MP onboarding and offboarding more efficient and error-free. The true impact will be assessed during the post-election review, where IPSA hopes to validate the effectiveness of the newly implemented functionalities. The next general election, which will be held on July 4th, 2024, will be a critical test and IPSA is optimistic about the outcomes.

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