Is your investment in data delivering what it should?

We have subject matter expertise building, managing, and deploying AI solutions that leverage Azure AI services such as Azure OpenAI and Copilot, as well as data science and machine learning. We support all phases of AI solutions development—from AI readiness and requirements definition to development, deployment, maintenance, performance tuning and monitoring.


Our team work closely with clients to support their journey to artificial intelligence (AI), building complete end-to-end AI solutions that are responsible, secure and human-centric.


  • Understand the organisational impact of AI and how to adopt responsibly
  • Accelerate value with automated development, data processing and deployment 
  • Have expert support across entire AI & Data Science lifecycle  

Harness Data Science within the Microsoft Azure Data Analytics Landscape.

Realise the value of your Data Scientists with our Data Science Enablement Service. The use of Machine Learning and AI was once a niche area but has rapidly shown value in more traditional businesses. Advanced clustering produces new ways of viewing your customer base that leads to smarter product recommendation engines. Preventative maintenance can massively reduce costs and advances in image, video and audio recognition can automate tasks that previously required human intervention.

Azure OpenAI Enablement

Enabling businesses to leverage the power of OpenAI and ChatGPT on the Azure platform. This engagement pushes organisations to the forefront of AI technology.


The Azure platform offers a plethora of innovative AI technologies, many of which are ground breaking in the quality of their insights but also the ease of implementation. However, none are as transformational as the arrival of OpenAI on Azure. Where previous services were trained for specific purposes, Azure OpenAI models can outperform the majority of these capabilities using purely natural language based queries. The exclusive partnership between Azure and OpenAI ensures a truly revolutionary platform for organisations across industries.


With this revolutionary platform comes a breadth of opportunities, so cutting through the hype to achieve measurable business value is imperative.


How do you ensure your organisation leverages this new technology effectively to drive real world value and impactful change?

Case Study

King’s College London explores how Machine Learning helps to predict Student Withdrawals

An innovative pilot project confirms the transformational impact of an Azure-based data lake and machine learning on predicting potential student course withdrawals.


‘The results of the different models from the proof of concept were well beyond our expectations. They unambiguously affirmed the potential of this solution and very quickly we moved into thinking about how we could bring it into full production and leverage the value from the insights the model provided.’
Richard Salter, Director of Analytics – King’s College London

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