We’re excited to announce a series of exclusive half-day workshops in Glasgow and Manchester, designed for technical decision makers and data officers. Join us in one of these cities for insights into AI and Data Culture from Microsoft and Telefónica Tech industry experts.
AI Strategy Session
- This morning session centres on AI innovation and organisational benefits, with insights from Telefónica Tech and Microsoft’s AI experts. Tailored for C-suite leaders and key decision makers, this workshop is ideal for organisations seeking to implement AI initiatives or build on their existing AI strategy.
Data Culture Strategy Session
- Our afternoon session is tailored towards technical decision makers, with insight into building a data fluent culture and envisioning your organisation’s journey to data-driven maturity. With a focus on Microsoft Fabric, this workshop is designed to deliver a comprehensive overview of Fabric’s framework and architecture.
Each workshop has limited spaces to ensure a personalised and impactful experience. Learn more and register for one of these events below.