Having invested in your data warehouse, you’ll want to ensure that it is running the way you would expect it to as well as delivering business value.

The Telefónica Tech Data Warehouse Health Check is a low-cost, packaged set of activities design to help organisations understand the value they are getting from their data warehouse and identify any improvement opportunities.

Taking stock of your current data warehouse is important because:

  • It helps understand the perceived business value that your modern data warehouse is delivering
  • It validates your technical architecture against modern data platform standards
  • It can identify the additional business value that might be unlocked from your data platform
  • It could help identify potential cost savings

The health check is focused on two key areas – a business review and a technical review – and delivers the following:

  • A consolidated set of findings
  • Implications of the findings, stating the “so what?”
  • Recommendations in the form of a health check status report
  • Quick win identification, where relevant
  • Cost-efficient identification, where relevant
  • High-level improvement opportunity roadmap

The Data Warehouse Health can be tweaked to meet your exact requirements and is generally delivered in either a three, five, or ten-day engagement.

The three-day health check includes:

  1. A technical review of the database, integration, dimensional design, and abstraction and reporting layer components
  2. A scope spanning two subject matter areas
  3. A data warehouse platform cost review
  4. A findings report

The five-day health check includes:

  1. All the three-day items
  2. A business review
  3. A security review
  4. One additional subject matter area (three in total)
  5. Source code management review

The ten-day health check includes:

  1. All the five-day items
  2. One additional subject matter area (four in total)
  3. A user adoption review
  4. A data privacy review
  5. An improvement opportunity roadmap

The Telefónica Tech Data Warehouse Health Check an affordable and valuable activity to ensure that your data warehouse can support your business and give you the confidence to make data-driven decisions.

For more information on what we can do for you, please get in touch or read our full Azure Data Warehouse Health Check proposition.